Naotatsu Kaku

photography, videography

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A Neighbour in Prague

Photos ·

One of the neighbours of my apartment in Prague died alone. The view of the garden that he must have gazed at from the window of his room. A series of events I encountered in the city, where he lived. The belongings he left behind. I think of my neighbour, whose name and face I do not know, and the city of Prague where he lived his life.

私がプラハで滞在していたアパートの隣人に孤独死した人がいた。 彼が部屋の窓先から見つめたであろう庭の眺め。彼が生活した街で私が出会った出来事。彼が残した遺品。 名前も顔も知らない隣人と彼が生きたプラハの街に思いを馳せる。